- May 15, 2021
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Secure Your Property With Access Control –
As your company expands, even more people will require entry to your property. Now is the time to put in place a good entry monitoring system that will grow with your corporation as well as provide security at every stage.
A good security guard can assist you in keeping your property safe, but they will be able to do their job more efficiently if your business has excellent security practices in place to control entry. How can you design a system that will expand with your company while not standing in the way of your task? Below are a few things to consider as things change.
Make use of Restricted Keys
Beginning with the first keys you make for any commercial property, use keys that cannot be recreated at will. Even a key marked “Do Not Duplicate” can be replicated by a dishonest person. Using restricted keys is the best solution for small business owners, even those with few keys. These credentials can only be made by authorized locksmiths who have a service agreement with the manufacturer.
Make a Log
When you start handing out more than a few keys, keep a written log of who has each passcode and what it can access. A key log should include the receiver’s name, the key number, the timestamp it was given out, and the date it was handed back. This should include keys that are given out on a permanent basis as well as those that are only given out for a limited time.
A designated employee should keep a key log, which should be reviewed when any staff members are terminated. It is critical to ensure that staff members who leave a job promptly return their keys. If they don’t, think about changing all of the keys.
Coded Locks
As your company grows, you may want to restrict who has access by transitioning from traditional keys to a coded locking mechanism. Key codes have many benefits over previous key locks, even if they are only used on specific entries.
What are these benefits? You can change protocols frequently as you would like at a much lower cost than replacing all of your keys. You can also create codes that identify who is using the doors and keep a log of what happens. Codes can even improve efficiency because they are never left at home and cause problems for employees who are rushing to get to work.
Incorporate a Master Key Framework
A master key system specifies which keys open which doorways and who has those codes. It allows you to better control and grant appropriate access than having different keys for each door or a single key for all doors. Supervisors should have access to the doors and office buildings in their areas but not the primary entrances. Leadership, on the other hand, could be given a key that accesses all of the facility’s doors.
Locks Should Be Changed on a Regular Basis
Finally, regardless of the system you use, modify the codes and locks on a regular basis. Many companies re-key every 2 – 3 years as a matter of course, but you’ll need to do so more frequently.
Why is this so? A security breach could occur as a result of a number of events. For example, if there are break-ins in the area, an attempted break-in at your property, a rogue employee, lost keys, or even domestic issues involving an employee, you may need to change your locks.
Taking these security precautions will protect your company from a variety of threats, but there is no replacement for a skilled security guard. These professionals have been trained to recognize threats and de-escalate potentially dangerous situations. Contact XpressGuards now to learn more about our security guard services.