security company cctv services

Your company cannot afford to lose resources, time, or money as a result of theft and vandalism. Introducing your company to intelligent video surveillance with video verification will help prevent crime and save your business from large losses. In the past, the only available video monitoring alternatives were recorded surveillance camera footage that could be accessed afterwards. The Internet of Things has now made immeasurable breakthroughs in company security possible.

Intelligent video monitoring broadens the scope of your property’s security to prevent losses before they happen, identify crimes in real time, and act swiftly in case of an emergency. Let’s look at how.

Steps for Intelligent Video Monitoring

Deter – Strategically positioned cameras work as a stand-alone deterrent to crime. This enables the owner of the business and the Alarm Monitoring Center to constantly see key locations that can assist prevent crime.

Check –  The right placement is advantageous for both preventing criminal behavior and catching intruders in the act. Your intelligent video technology transmits live video to the Alarm Monitoring Center in response to an event, where real people (not artificial intelligence) can see unlawful entry in real time. The Alarm Monitoring Center makes an immediate attempt to confirm the emergency with you, the designated business contact, thanks to video alarm verification. This real-time video can also be accessed on a web-enabled smartphone or other device.

Respond – The Alarm Monitoring Center agents will quickly contact the authorities and give them the precise location of the incident if there is a true threat (a verified emergency). While the police are on their way to your site, they can explain what they are seeing on your live security footage.

More Information About True, Verified Emergencies & False Alarms

Verified crises have become crucial in the security landscape because of false alarms. Some police departments now only respond to confirmed emergencies due to the stress on their resources. Verified video alerts will receive priority reactions from others. To confirm that the alarm trigger wasn’t caused by a human or other fault, intelligent video monitoring adds a human aspect (i.e. employees struggling to set or disarm the alarm, animals hanging out in your parking lot, etc.). Additionally, if it’s a real crime, you now have a record of the incident so you may show it in court if necessary.

Having your alarms monitored and checked is actually in everyone’s best interest because false alarms waste business resources on fines and penalties. Professionals from our alarm monitoring center can inform the police of the sort of emergency and its precise location as they are responding. You will be better secure as a result (quicker response times and a higher possibility of being apprehended), and the city’s resources will be used more effectively.

You Might Already Possess The Required Tools

This cost-effective option makes use of the infrastructure and security equipment you already have. Your camera system itself is also automatically watched over. As a result, the alarm monitoring center is informed right away if your cameras are malfunctioning or being tampered with. These kinds of low-cost hardware health measures are essential for today’s organizations. Our expert installers will carefully scan your property to design and install security cameras in the most advantageous areas for your protection if your company is not already set up for video monitoring. It is recommended that intelligent video surveillance be used in conjunction with security officers (Integrated Security), card access control (keyless entry), and mobility patrol to help further discourage crime (depending on the size of your campus).

Who is Watching Your Cameras and What To Look For in An Alarm Monitoring Service

One of the best in the nation, XpressGuards 24/7 Alarm Monitoring Center has received accolades. We have  gone through the training + exhibit the following:

  • Ability to verify alarms, which helps prevent false alarms
  • Communication skills with Public Service Answering Points, including the Emergency 911 center
  • Understanding of radio and other electronic communications devices
  • Knowledge of the regulations and requirements of agencies like
  • Underwriters Laboratories, Factory Mutual, the National Fire
  • Protection Association, and Knowledge of the regulations and requirements of agencies like Underwriters Laboratories,
  • Factory Mutual, the National Fire Protection Association, and others
  • Expertise in emergency planning under a variety of potential scenarios

We have protected tens of thousands of homes and businesses as the industry leaders in security systems. Also available at all times is our first-rate Intruder alarm center. Let’s work hard to preserve what you’ve worked so hard to get. Get in touch with us for a free security assessment of your company. We would be thrilled to collaborate with you.

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