- July 3, 2022
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Information evolves with time, as we have seen. Here are some updated details that your company can use to carry out expert background checks.
Why Background Checks Performed by Professionals are Vital Now:
- Access to courthouses is restricted as a result of the pandemic, making it difficult to obtain records on your own.
- For the same reason, turnaround times frequently become delayed.
- Our partners are in constant communication with us and have a direct channel to us.
- Accessing references can be difficult.
- Laws governing pre-employment screening can be problematic if they change frequently.
- FCRA violation class action lawsuits are becoming more common.
During these particularly difficult circumstances, you want to employ the greatest prospects to support the expansion of your company rather than its demise.
We Are Looking For:
- Crime histories
- Drug abuse
- Sexual offenders
- History of driving records
- Updates to credit reports
- Verification of employment, education, and references
The People We Check:
- Prospective employees/applicants for jobs
- Companies
- Volunteers
- Vendors
- Subcontractors
- Job seekers
You don’t have to go it alone, which is wonderful news. Our customer-focused background investigators provide individualized service and prompt responses. Together, we develop a program that meets your needs and is focused on the outcomes that are important to you. We can also do this based on almost any business size or the number of employees (remote or in-office), all while staying within a budget that is suitable for your company. Essentially, we follow all of the necessary regulations as an extension of your Human Resources department (federal, state FCRA, EEOC).
Why not arrange a free consultation with us? After all, you still need to manage your business and provide security for your customers, vendors, and other visitors. By taking the initial step, you might guarantee the safety of everyone at your organization. Contact us now.