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Duties of a Security Guard –

When you think of a security guard, what comes to mind? Someone who stands around all day and does nothing but look intimidating? Someone who breaks up fights and throws people out of clubs? Well, there’s a little bit more to it than that. In fact, there are five primary duties that all security guards are responsible for. Discussed below are five duties and responsibilities of a typical security guard.

Duty #1: Observe and Report

The first duty of a security guard is to observe and report. This means always paying attention to your surroundings and reporting any suspicious activity to your supervisor. It sounds like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many people let their minds wander when they’re on the job. Remember, your job is to keep an eye on things, so make sure you do just that.

Duty #2: Access Control

The second duty of a security guard is access control. This means controlling who has access to the building or premises you guard. This can be done through physical means like locking doors and gates or by checking IDs. Be vigilant about this because it’s one of the best ways to prevent theft, vandalism, and other crimes.

Duty #3: Deter Crime

The third duty of a security guard is to deter crime. As the name suggests, this means taking measures to prevent crime from happening in the first place. This can involve anything from patrolling the premises to keeping an eye out for potential hazards. The goal is to deter would-be criminals by making it clear that you’re on the job and ready to stop them in their tracks.

Duty #4: Respond To Emergencies

The fourth duty of a security guard is to respond to emergencies. This means being prepared for anything that might happen and knowing how to handle it if it does. This includes fires and medical emergencies, bomb threats, and active shooters. Knowing how to stay calm under pressure and quickly assess the situation is essential in these situations.

Duty #5: Write Reports

The fifth and final duty of a security guard is to write reports. This means documenting everything that happens while you’re on the job. This includes everything from noting when someone enters or leaves the premises to writing up incident reports if something happens that requires it. These reports are essential because they provide a record of what happened in case there are ever any questions later on down the line.


So there you have it—the five primary duties of a security guard. Remember, being a security guard is more than just standing around looking tough—it’s about being observant, deterring crime, responding to emergencies, and keeping accurate records. If you can do all those things, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a top-notch security guard. If you’re looking to hire a security guard company, contact us at XPressGuards now.

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